“In Yole Développement’s January 2015 Emerging Non Volatile Memory Technology and Market Trends report, we found that this market was worth $65M in 2014. However, it’s now at a crossroads. The choice between STTMRAM, RRAM, NRAM and other technologies for the right emerging NVM should be made in the next two years by the industry’s leaders in order to solve traditional DRAM and flash memory's limited scalability and/or speed. In these circumstances, Yole Développement is really excited by Nantero’s latest NRAM technical results. Nantero’s technology provides both the performance of STTMRAM and potentially the low cost of RRAM. At Yole Développement, we are keen to see the future scalability of this technology that would enable it to target mainstream memory applications and replace DRAM and flash.”

Yann de Charentenay, Senior Technology & Market Analyst, Yole Développement.

Nantero, NRAM

Yann de Charentenay, Senior Technology & Market Analyst, Yole Développement.

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Email: Kelly at Nantero.com